School Lunch Program Info
Please see the included notices regarding our Campus Lunch Program and National School Lunch Program. Please see the office for an application for free/reduced breakfast and lunch. We ask every family to complete one, even if they do not qualify because we use the data for school grants. All data is kept confidential.
Coming soon: Online meal account payment and management for parents!
Lancaster Letter to Households - EnglishLancaster Letter to Households - Spanish
October Menu
iLead Lancaster October Menu - October K-8iLEAD Lancaster, a free public charter school in Antelope Valley, is part of the iLEAD Schools network of charter schools throughout California, the Midwest, Colorado, and Hawaii. iLEAD empowers learners to become conscientious, compassionate, and responsible citizens of the world, and inspires them to become creative thinkers and leaders with a lifelong love of learning.
iLEAD Lancaster Glider on Campus
On October 22, 2022, the iLEAD Lancaster community was visited by a full-scale glider, an aircraft that flies without an engine! Part of the 8th grade Soaring Aeronautics Project involves… Read more
iLEAD’s Reports of Progress: What They Are and Why They Matter
At iLEAD Lancaster, we issue a Report of Progress (ROP) for each child. An ROP might be compared to a traditional report card. However, instead of recording letter grades, we… Read more
Celebrate our 10th Anniversary with us!
We are happy to celebrate our 10th anniversary with these Limited-Edition tees! Specially designed with our new iLEAD Dragon logo! You can purchase them in the front office, Get them… Read more