
iLEAD Space and Innovation Expo

Friday, March 2, from 6 to 8 p.m.
College of the Canyons – Cafeteria & Maker Space
26455 Rockwell Canyon Road
Santa Clarita, CA 91355

Join us for a fun and interactive evening of space and innovation, as iLEAD learners share with you the latest iLEAD Student Aerospace Project in partnership with DreamUp and COC Maker Space. All interested learners, families and friends invited. Be sure to sign up via the link below.

Featuring keynote speaker, NASA Ames Chief Scientist Dr. Jacob Cohen.

  • Showcase of student-designed space experiments
  • View student design mission patch artwork
  • Enjoy hands-on mini projects for the whole family
  • Take home souvenirs to commemorate event
  • Interact with COC students & their exciting Low Earth Orbit & Maker Space Projects

Food and drinks available for purchase, with all donation proceeds going to iLEAD Student Aerospace Projects

Register Here


iLEAD Lancaster learners stand near a glider wing.

iLEAD Lancaster Glider on Campus

On October 22, 2022, the iLEAD Lancaster community was visited by a full-scale glider, an aircraft that flies without an engine! Part of the 8th grade Soaring Aeronautics Project involves… Read more

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iLEAD’s Reports of Progress: What They Are and Why They Matter

At iLEAD Lancaster, we issue a Report of Progress (ROP) for each child. An ROP might be compared to a traditional report card. However, instead of recording letter grades, we… Read more

calendar post-it notes

Upcoming Events

Tues., 1/10: Return from Winter Break Mon., 1/16: Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service – No School Fri., 1/20: Fall Semester ends Mon., 1/23: Spring Semester begins Fri., 1/27:… Read more