
Family Movie: Night Under the Stars

Please join us 6:30 p.m. September 30 for a FREE family movie night under the stars! Middle school will be assisting with box car creation for the younger learners, high school will be facilitating a snack bar (fee), and we will be presenting a great family movie “drive-in” style — without the real cars — at sundown. Please enter through the pedestrian gates near the side parking lots. Bring chairs, blankets and snacks if you wish and enjoy a beautiful night under the stars with your iLEAD community!


calendar post-it notes

Upcoming Events

Tues., 1/10: Return from Winter Break Mon., 1/16: Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service – No School Fri., 1/20: Fall Semester ends Mon., 1/23: Spring Semester begins Fri., 1/27:… Read more

Upcoming Events

UPCOMING EVENTS 12/9 Grinchmas festival 12/15 Winter Production 12/16 Elementary Winter Ball 12/17 Middle School Winter Ball 12/19/22- 1/9/23 Winter Break Please see the school calendar for more information See… Read more

Upcoming Events

UPCOMING EVENTS 11/21/22- 11/25/22 Fall Break Looking Ahead 12/9 Grinchmas festival 12/15 Winter Production 12/16 Elementary Winter Ball 12/17 Middle School Winter Ball 12/19/22- 1/9/23 Winter Break Please see the… Read more