Service Learning Alert
As you may know from the Innovation Studios Playbook all learners are required to complete 30 hours of service learning each semester. Recently this was discussed during class where learners were given instruction on what service learning looks like. In simple terms it boils down to this: An act that benefits a person, people, or a place (like a city garden or animal shelter) that you are not otherwise compensated for. For ideas you can go to or consult with Mrs. Wampler.
iLEAD Lancaster Glider on Campus
On October 22, 2022, the iLEAD Lancaster community was visited by a full-scale glider, an aircraft that flies without an engine! Part of the 8th grade Soaring Aeronautics Project involves… Read more
iLEAD’s Reports of Progress: What They Are and Why They Matter
At iLEAD Lancaster, we issue a Report of Progress (ROP) for each child. An ROP might be compared to a traditional report card. However, instead of recording letter grades, we… Read more
Celebrate our 10th Anniversary with us!
We are happy to celebrate our 10th anniversary with these Limited-Edition tees! Specially designed with our new iLEAD Dragon logo! You can purchase them in the front office, Get them… Read more